by Grand Rapids Chiropractor | chiropractic
Here is our Grand Rapids Chiropractic Weekly Health Alert: According to a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and funded by the National Institutes of Health, medication is not the best option for treating neck pain. After following 272 neck-pain...
by Grand Rapids Chiropractor | chiropractic
Here is our Grand Rapids Chiropractor Weekly Sticky: The object of the carnival game Whack-a-Mole is to use a mallet to hit as many critters as possible when they pop up in random succession. Trouble is, as you hit one mole, three more pop up and disappear before you...
by Jamie | chiropractic, obesity
After blogging for most of the year about the benefits of exercise and the national need for obesity prevention, as your Grand Rapids Chiropractor I am pleased and gratified to inform you that this month obesity prevention is being “officially emphasized”...